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Jedi Mind Hacks for my GFS Family

Writer's picture: Gutter Fighting Secrets Gutter Fighting Secrets

Good Afternoon Warriors. I am writing this free members only blog post today to share a very important concept with the GFS family. Why? The world is becoming a more dangerous place each and every single day! And I want You to be prepared for whatever comes up. It is important we all stay ready!!!

So Lets Get Started

Controlling our emotions is something that is rarely talked about by self-defense instructors, but is probably the most crucial part of combat. Whether you're about to defend a family member on the streets from a crazed lunatic or going into a dangerous situation and expecting potential enemy contact if you your emotions are not in check it can cost you your life.

One thing I've learned over the many years of doing what I do is if you remain calm through stressful situations, you will be able to handle them and usually walk away with a good outcome.

I'm gonna give you three battle tested ways that I personally use all the time to stay calm under an enormous pressure. It's really not as difficult as you might think, let's jump into it.

Number One : BREATH breathing is an essential part of life, but when we learn to slow down and control our breathing, we actually start controlling our physiological responses to stress. Try taking a three second deep breath in holding it for four seconds, and then slowly letting it out this will actually slow your heart rate down. They teach this in escape and evasion training. When you've got handcuffs on and a hood around your head, not knowing what the fuck is going to happen next there is a tendency to hyperventilate. Your heart rate elevates like crazy and you can become combat ineffective because of the sheer panic.. but if you can learn to do this simple breathing technique, you will be able to think clearly through whatever situation you are facing. Learn to control your physiological responses to stress and start overcoming the situation with a clear head

Number Two: control your body language.

There are things that are a dead giveaway that you might be stressed and whether you're crossing over a border and need to demonstrate calm demeanor, or about to face a savage thug on the streets and want to demonstrate confidence. There are a couple of quick tips that I want to give you that will definitely help you out.

The first thing is, don't cross your arms. This demonstrates that you're closed off or that you are scared in some way. It's called a self touch gesture. It's like you're giving yourself a hug instead, keep an open posture. This will subconsciously demonstrate to the other individual that you are confident and have nothing to hide.

Number two control your response and this is done by the breathing technique. Illustrated above people look for nervous and sweaty people palms things like this. I've had border officers actually shake my hand just to feel if I have sweaty palms, but if you can control your breathing, mitigate your sweat response.

and finally number three on this list head posture always keep your chin up and chest out again. This demonstrates high levels of confidence and even if you're not really feeling it, fake it till you make it people don't want to mess with somebody demonstrating such high levels of confidence.

Number Three: Stay in good physical shape. This might seem obvious to some, but It is the single biggest factor in how you react to stress. If your mind body and spirit are all congruent then there is nothing that you cannot do. Having good cardio will not only give you mental clarity but also control your heart rate elevation under stress. Having muscles will not only demonstrate that you are battle ready but also give you mental power as well.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and if you want more tips, visit our youtube channel for great free info every week.

See you next month for another Warrior Blog Post


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